International Shipping

We ship to the following countries. If your country is not on the list but you have a Transhipper, feel free to get in touch with us.


A Transhipper is someone with license to ship live ornamental fish. The country that exports out will be Thailand. Shipping usually occurs every 2-4 weeks.

Shipping Fees

Payment will be done via our website. Shipping fees will be collected by both the Country’s Transhipper. 1 in Thailand (Exporter) and 1 from your country (Importer). The fees varies depending on country. There is usually also a postage fee to transport the fish from your importer to your home.

DOA (Dead on Arrival)

What happens when the fish arrives dead? In very rare instances, a fish may die during shipping. In such case, a refund/ replacement will be provided. Do note that the shipping fee will not be refunded. Only the cost of the fish.